B Corporation Impact Assessment

Since we first certified as a B Corporation 1 year ago we were elated to have achieved that first milestone. However, that’s exactly what it was, a first milestone. Our B Corp journey continues as we strive to honour all those commitments we already made and create new ones. We’ve worked hard over the past year on the things our team and stakeholders prioritised for us in our materiality assessment. We’ve also concentrated on the 5 impact areas highlighted by B Lab:

  • Workers
  • Environment
  • Governance
  • Customers
  • Community

There wasn’t room to talk about everything…the free EV charging provided at the office, the re-usable lunchboxes gifted to each employee… but we’ve covered the main points in our impact assessment and we hope you enjoy the read. And to other B Corporation businesses, we’re enjoying sharing our journey with you!

The MinsterFB crew at the Newark Dragon Boat Festival in aid of Beaumond House wearing B Corporation hoodies
The MinsterFB crew at the Newark Dragon Boat Festival in aid of Beaumond House