Beginning to work with Amazon can feel like learning a new language. Here’s our helpful guide to the common Amazon terms you need to know
A unique identifier for each product available on Amazon (Amazon Stock Inventory Number).
Vendor Account
A trading method that enables businesses to sell products to Amazon. Then Amazon sells them to shoppers. You use the Vendor Central platform to check inventory, manage listings, review sales data and request payment.
Seller Account
A trading method with Amazon that works more like Ebay, where businesses sell directly to shoppers. There are different ways to ship products, depending on your preference.
Buy Box/Featured Offer
This is the product offering that is purchased if the shopper clicks on ‘add to basket’ or ‘buy now’. It is the most favourable to the shopper of all the available seller and vendor options for that product (ASIN).
All the information about a product that is displayed when you click through from a set of search results. This includes images and any videos that are connected with the product.
Main Image
The product image for a particular ASIN that shows in search results, or when you first click through into the listing.